Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Ideas That Can Help To Increase Your Brain Power

One’s brain is capable to do amazing things and constantly it changes to the habits and as per lifestyle. When the task would be routine then it behave like muscles. For instance if you are crossword puzzle solver or addicted to mental strengthening exercises then probably loves to take mental challenges every time. The more you would use it the stronger it would become. Along with that some other crucial parts also play vital role to strengthen the brain health and working well. For purpose necessarily one must consume herbal supplements to improve brain power. So, include plenty of high quality foods and fats in diet that are also known as anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Necessarily you should keep your brain away from the environmental toxins and indulge in activities so the required amount of neurons you would get daily. So, do incorporate these habits in your routine.

Morning walk is key- Sunlight contains power even more than drug and if you use it right then would work in favour for betterment in focus and energy. When you would expose to blue light then specifically it would help in enhancing the brain activity and you would be more alert. Some people believe that a cup of coffee does the same task. But the power of light is comparatively much higher because blue light increases the reaction time and leave impact over circadian rhythm- the internal clock also keep control over the sleeping schedule. The good news is that most of us have access to this natural source of blue light. Solar rays are full of it and sun light is comparatively much more powerful than any of light bulb.  So, try to walk for 15 minutes after 30 minutes of walking up. The sunlight puts positive effects of brain and gets you ready to start your day.

Keep it in Dark during night- Exposure to blue light in the morning and for whole day during working out is highly great but all the positives would change in negative when comes at night and can cause lots of problems. Being alert and active throughout the day is highly great but necessarily at night you have to shut down all the alert part properly so would make your brain help to get relax. So, better you should not use laptops, phones, lamps, street lights and other sources of artificial lights at night and focus should be places at just using herbal supplements to improve brain power. Being exposed to more blue light especially during the night time suppresses the melatonin production which stands in a way to get better sleep quality. But the good thing is that, you can use the options like replace the blue light of the computer screens with  harmless red and yellow light, You can also buy a  blue light blocking screen protector for your smart phones. Just doing these such practices one would be able to get the deep, restorative sleep it needs. This would leave it supercharged when morning would come around.

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