What can be used as Alternative Treatments?
As told above the
problem of asthma got triggered when it come in contact with chemicals so it
would be wise not to use chemical
treatment or medicines or inhalers but to depend over asthma herbal treatments with dietary and lifestyle changes.
Avoid processed foods and food additives- An asthmatic should be emphasize whole and organic foods as maximum
possible. Try to lessen the refined carbohydrates in diet including products
with sugar and high in starch that a re artificial food additives, flavourings
and sweeteners, fired foods, hydrogenate and hydrogenated practically, reason
all of such foods are responsible for making interference in fatty acid
Stay away from Nitrates and sulphites- Many patients with asthma are sensitive to nitrates and sulphites
and so it would be wise to not be dependant over foods having such additives.
Mostly, cheese, bacon, deli meats, wine, beer, and hot dogs are contained with
same and dependency over them would trigger the symptoms. In case, you are
sensitive to sulphite then taking Vitamin B12 supplements and mineral
molybdenum would help to ease the problem. This would end in oxidation and
metabolism of sulphites and lessens the inflammatory reaction to sulphites. In
some cases, this is also seen that if one is having deficiency in Vitamin B12
then quite likely to have asthma.
A managed workout Routine-
It would be really effective for asthma condition and also for the whole body
if would practice the balance of resistance training, aerobic exercises,
stretching along with yoga as your workout routine. You should keep one thing
in mind that never exercise in cold and dry air but do practice the warm- up
session of lower- intensity exercise 10 minutes before starting the workout
regime. Incorporate some stress management techniques like meditation and
Diet to reduce inflammation- Omega 3 foods like flaxseed oil and fish oil may help in reducing
inflammation. Along with that it have antioxidants in plenty through
supplements and diet. They are capable in reducing free radical activity that
gives way to inflammation. Some antioxidants include Vitamin A, C and E with
bioflavonoids, quercetin, bromelain (an enzyme that comes from the stem of
pineapple, contained with high anti-inflammatory properties) and N-acetyl
cysteine. Try taking magnesium, contained with bronchodilating effect, helps to
lessen the asthma.
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