Sunday, 7 February 2016

Dark Circles under Eyes Causes, Causing You Much Trouble

Dark circles under eyes are medically not considered as a disease but the thing is more and more people today are getting affected with same and it frequently occurs in both men and women. The main culprit causing the problem is sedentary lifestyle and odd timings working schedules. Modern time, working women and men having much pressure on the shoulders means they have to sit for long hours in front of their computers of laptops that leave excessive strain to eyes. Also, the long working hours won’t offer you much time for sleep and would have dark circles under eyes. You need to get a natural treatment like baba ramdev medicine for dark circles or try out some simple tricks that would have controlled the condition for you. 

Causes of dark circles under eyes- Several reasons can be the possible indications that you would have dark circles under eyes in coming future. Usually men and women who used to work for longer hours before computer are at huge risk of having the condition. Actually, it is indication that you are tired eyes. Having a sleepless night is quite possibly would tell the story with dark circles under eyes. It is also there due to aging; when you stepped in growing age then fat would have lost form the skin especially to the skin under eyes. Due to thinning of skin, the blood vessels would go visible; another reasons for issue includes excessive rubbing the eyes, allergies, heredity.

Here’s How You Can Say Good Bye to Dark Circles under Eyes

Have a good night sleep- A sleepless night would not only left you tired and lethargic next morning but it would have given you beauty flaws like dark circles would be there are the indication you need more sleep. So, an adult should take 7-8 hours of sleep during night. During the time, the whole body would relax well and functions would go normal. So, those who are going harsh to their system with lack of sleep should be ready with the severe health problems in near future. So, better to start with herbal products like baba ramdev medicine for dark circles to keep away the dark circles.

Elevate the head slightly while sleeping- To keep the eyes safe from fluid accumulation under eyes, one should elevate his/her head slightly with adding a thin pillow under head. Using the trick would assure you would have low chances of dark circles under eyes. But this would possibly leave pain in neck, so you need to be little cautious before using the trick and make sure the pillows you would have used should be super soft. 

Raw Potato- Potato is considered as natural bleach and so can be used to treat dark spots all over the face including eyes. To use, this as remedy, take a raw potato and grate it and extract juice from it. Now, drip a cotton ball in it and apply safely under eyes, be sure it would not enter the eyes. Allow it to be there for next 10-15 minutes and then wash. You can also use the thin slices of fresh potato for the same purpose as well.

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